Marketing and PR translations — Convincing texts in the right context

More than just a translation

When it comes to technical translations the objective is to remain as close as possible to the source text. Translators specialising in marketing, however, focus primarily on communicating the intended message of the original text into the target language, often diverging linguistically from the source text in the process. Marketing translators focus at first on the core message of a text, in order to then transfer it adequately into the target language while maintaining a similar tone. They are stylistically confident and are acutely aware of the cultural codes and minutiae that are of such consequence for this type of translation. If necessary, they can adapt the translation to address a specified target group.

Marketing and PR translations by 24translate

Keep your target group in sight

For the best results then, it is particularly important to provide us with any relevant information about your text and its intended audience. Whether it is a letter of invitation, a brochure, a press release or a style guide — professional marketing translators apply their creativity to precisely and effectively translate everything from technical terms to puns, all while keeping your core message front and centre. Learn more about the topic on ourblog.

Among other types of documents, we translate:

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Transcreation ('TRANSlation' + 'CREATion') is a process by which specially trained translators adapt advertising materials to suit particular aspects of a given target group or cultural region. Learn more here!

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Website Translations

Are you searching for a reliable partner for your internationalisation strategy? Discover our website translation expertise for yourself!

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SEO translations

Do you want to make sure that your website is easily found on all major search engines, in every language? Discover our SEO expertise for yourself!

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CMS connectors

Do you currently operate or are you planning a multilingual website with dynamic content? Discover how our innovative plug-ins can streamline your translation management!

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Three-step translations

Are you looking for a truley flawless translation? Our 'best' quality translations include, among other things, an additional stylistic revision of your text.

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