Managing translations in DAM systems

What do DAM systems do?

Digital Asset Management systems (DAM systems) enable centralised storage and administration of digital content such as texts, diagrams, sound files and video files. DAM systems can be integrated into Content Management Systems. In the system's background, a database administers all files and associated metadata. A rights management regulates the exchange with other systems and/or (partially automated) access to the stored data by (Web) CMS, PIM systems and web shops. DAM systems, for example, facilitate the creation and coordination of sales and marketing literature (customer magazines).

An example of DAM translation connections: CENSHARE

The ECMS software censhare includes a DAM module, amongst other components. It integrates and structures a company's media in a database, and provides other systems with automated access to that data. Censhare can be integrated into 24translate's translation management system via a central interface that formats all translation-relevant information in XLIFF. This allows for the translation of a customer magazine in Adobe InCopy, for example, to be managed parallel to the document's creation. At the same time, our solution supports a wide range of different customers workflows (e.g. downstream or parallel translation), maintains the link between source texts and their localisations and guarantees that company terminology is observed and double translations avoided.


Website Translations

Are you searching for a reliable partner for your internationalisation strategy? Discover our website translation expertise for yourself!

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SEO translations

Do you want to make sure that your website is easily found on all major search engines, in every language? Discover our SEO expertise for yourself!

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Marketing & PR translations

Are you looking for translations that not only convey information, but will also gain a wider audience for your company and its products? That's a job for our marketing translators.

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Transcreation ('TRANSlation' + 'CREATion') is a process by which specially trained translators adapt advertising materials to suit particular aspects of a given target group or cultural region. Learn more here!

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Specialised Fields

24translate works exclusively with qualified translators who are specialists in their respective industries and/or fields.

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