Managing translations in Content Management Systems (CMS)

What is a CMS?

Today, nearly every website uses a Content Management System (CMS). Especially for large websites with numerous sub-pages, a CMS simplifies maintaining site content for the site administrator or content manager. Using a CMS eliminates the need to alter the underlying HTML code when changing content, for example; instead, (new) text and images can easily be entered and edited through a protected area called the 'back end', using a 'WYSIWYG* editor'. Today, the sheer number of content management systems available can be overwhelming. Some of the most popular CMS are freely available as open source projects (e.g. Typo3, WordPress or Drupal).
* Stands for: 'What you see is what you get' — a principle that corresponds more or less to text input in programs such as Microsoft Word.

How do our CMS plug-ins work?

Our CMS plug-ins enable the efficient and straightforward management of a website's various language versions directly from the content management system: Via the back end, customers can send us all texts available for translation in given source language (e.g. German) with the click of a mouse. The finished translations are then sent back directly to the CMS by us, where they simply have to be checked by the website administrator or content manager before publication. 


What advantages do our plug-ins have, and for whom?

Above all, our CMS connections will benefit large, dynamic websites with several language versions and substantial amounts of content. Specifically, this means that the greater the translation workload (larger text volume in multiple languages), the greater will be the savings in time. Our plug-ins make complex and error-prone import and export procedures, as well as time-consuming formatting operations a thing of the past.

Find out more about our CMS connectivity solutions here:

A selection of our clients


Website Translations

Are you searching for a reliable partner for your internationalisation strategy? Discover our website translation expertise for yourself!

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SEO translations

Do you want to make sure that your website is easily found on all major search engines, in every language? Discover our SEO expertise for yourself!

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Marketing & PR translations

Are you looking for translations that not only convey information, but will also gain a wider audience for your company and its products? That's a job for our marketing translators.

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Transcreation ('TRANSlation' + 'CREATion') is a process by which specially trained translators adapt advertising materials to suit particular aspects of a given target group or cultural region. Learn more here!

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Specialised Fields

24translate works exclusively with qualified translators who are specialists in their respective industries and/or fields.

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If you have further questions,

Call us at +49 40 4806320* or use our free return call service**:

* You can reach us from Mo.–Fr. , 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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**We use your data only to process your query. The transmission is encrypted. Please also take note of the data protection information in this respect